St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

POST ST. LOU DISPATCH NIGHT EDITION FINANCIAL MARKET i SPORTS How a Siglitlesc Woman Built a Telephone System When told she was going blind she carefully laid the plans and but read it in NEXT SUNDAYS POST-DISPATCH Turn to the first Want Paga and plan your next week's pleasure with the "Movie Column" showing the best features offered at local houses. Onp Evening 'Paper in St. Louis ith Associated Press News Service. I VOL.



Police Hunt for Chef's Aid Who Helped at Banquet to Archbishop. Berlin Admits Trenches Over 200-Yard Front Near Mas-siges Were Entered After 1 A til V. German Decision to Regard Armed Merchantmen as Warships Will Make No Change in Policy of Having Vessels Equipped for Defense. FOUR MEN IN STRUGGLE PRESIDENT ON YACHT TOXINS IN HIS ROOM a violent Artillery Government Plans to Establish System in Alaska and Massachusetts Next Autumn. WASHINGTON.

Feb. 12. Aerial mail service to isolated points in Alaska and Massachusetts is contemplated by the Postoffice Department. Bids were asked today for service on eight routes, seven of them in Alaska. Oct.

1 is named as the date for their starting. The Massachusetts route js from New Bedford to Nantucket. 58 miles, and return, partly by land and partly by water. Trips would be made 13 times a week, during the summer months, and six times in the winter. An aeroplane would have to be able to carry a weight limit of 300 pounds.

The present cost of the service is $23,000 a year. The Alaskan routes form a connecting link from Seward to Nome, thence to Fairbanks and back" to Valdez. Most of them gall for a service twice a week throughout the year. On some of the routes the cost now is as high as a year, and in winter six weeks is required to make the trip. The aeroplane contracts allow two days for most of the trips.

The longest route, Valdez to Fairbanks, is 35S miles. The extreme time limit of six weeks on some of the routes is required because mail sometimes has to be routed via Seattle. Selection Likely to Be Announced on His Return From Potomac River Trip. Three of Them Are in Hospital; Dentists Previously Quarreled Over Partnership. Man Also Had Anarchistic Literature, Including; Teachings of Emma Goldman.

French Troops Move to New SUGGESTION MADE BY LANSING REJECTED Positions Around Import ant Railway Town Northwest of Saloniki. By Wire From the Washington Hu-rean of the Post-Dlxpatch. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. Secretary Greek and Rumanian Con Possibility of Boycott, in Which Allies Send Only Enough Ships to U.

S. i- suls Reported Sent Away From Monastir by Teutonic Forces in Control. CHICAGO, Feb. 12. Poison, apparently purposely placed in the soup served at the banquet Thursday night in honor of Archibishop Mundelein, caused the sudden illness of more than a hundred distinguished guests and threatened serious consequences, according to city officials today.

The symptoms were first diagnosed 3s evidencing the presence of ptomaines, but today chemical analysis by city physicians revealed the presence of mineral or metallic poison in the samples of the soup. Harry J. Doherty, manager of the University Club, where the banquet was held, conducted an independent investi I Oris lu van vjuuua i ui Own Use Considered. By Associated Preas. BERLIN, via London, Feb.

12. After a violent artillery bombardment on the reater part of the Champagne recently. gation and with police assistance went rench infantry made an attack yester day afternoon. The War Office to the apartments of an employe in the ounced today that tho French pene- club kitchen who iuit work on the day rated positions near Massiges over a front of about 200 yards. The statement says: "After a most violent artillery bom of the banquet.

Poisons in Room. In the- man's room the police say they found a chemical laboratory with flasks of various poisons, one identical with poison revealed by the chemists's analysis. There, too, the police say, they found books anarchistic in their teach bardment on a great part of our front the Champagne, the French toward NO WINE AT LINCOLN BANQUET AT SPRINFIELD TONIGHT Women Are Invited to Seventh Celebration Given by Centennial Association. SPRINGFIELD, 111., Feb. 12.

Nearly all buildings were closed here today -i honor of the 107th birthday of Abraham Lincoln. Gov. Dunne entertained at luncheon in the executive mansion the speakers at the night's banquet of the Lincoln Centennial Association. A public meeting was held this afternoon at a temporary structure erected recently by the churches to house revival services. Illinois' two Senators Lawrence i.

Sherman and James Hamilton Lewis-will be the chief speakers at the public meeting and at the banquet, which wiU be held in the State Arsenal tonight. This is the seventh banquet given by the Centennial Association, but it is the first at which women will be guests and wine excluded. evening made an attack to tho east ot the Maisons de Champagne Farm, whkli northeast of Masslges. They pene- ings. ratcd our positions over a section Walter A.

Diefenbach, 26 years old, of Granite City, told reporters the city hospital today how he and Dr. W. A. Kennerly of San Antonio. laid a plot by which Dr.

Albert F. Johnson, a dentise, of 4029 Flad avenue was lured to a room in the Aemrican Annex Hotel last niht and was shot and dan-L't-rously wounded in revenge for alleged wrongs which Dr. Kennerly 'said Dr. Johnson had done to him in a business deal. In a struggle in the hotel room.

Dr. Johnson was shot through both thighs and was stabbed. Diefonbach's throat was cut. Lr. Kennerly was cut and bti'ised.

Charles Lody, an assistant in Dr. Johnson's office, was bruised. Kormerly Business Partners. Dr. Johnson and Dr.

Kennerly formerly were bi siness oartners. In the dissolution of the partnership Dr. Kennerly sold his interest to Dr. "Johnson. Diefenbach told reporters that he had known Dr.

Kennerly for several year? and that two weeks ago in San Dr. Kennerly asked him to come to St Louis with him, remarking: "We il have a hell of a time. I'll get ionse iash from Johnson." In carrying out a plan which Diefenbach rsid nas suggested by Dr. Kennerly, tliey registered at the hotel under ssHi.mod names. Dr.

Kennerly using the 'C. L. Walters." and Diefenbach registering as K. Arnold." Yesterday morning Diefenbach went to Dr. Johnson's office and had his elh cleaned.

He told Dr. Johnson that he wanted him to come to the hotel that night t- do some work for his wife, who, he said, was sick. Dr. Johnson and his assistant, Lody, went to the hotel. Diefenbach opened the door and invited them in.

There is a difference in the stories of what happened immediately after they entered the room. Lody said he saw what he thought to be th form of a woman in bed, but later thi3 proved to be only pillows arranged Tir.der the bed covering in such a way as tc appear to be a person's form. Lody aid that Dr. Johnson preceded him -into the room and that when he followed. Diefenbach pretending to help him remove his-overcoat, pulled the coat down over his arms, held him, and rew him on the bed.

He said Diefenbach held him by the throat and had one knee on his stomach. not quite yards. 'On Combrcs I 111 we occupied tie dges of a crater made by the explosion of a French mine in front of our renthes." WASHINGTON. Feb. 12.

Diplomatic presentatives of the entente allies have made oral representations to Secretary Lansing'regarding the American memorandum to them suggesting the disarming of merchant ships and suggesting that armed merchantmen entering American ports might be regarded as warships. Although the State Department declined to discuss the nature ot the representations, it is believed Secretary Lansing was informed that the entente governments were unwilling adopt the suggestion. Formal replies to the memorandum are expected and it is considered doubtful that the exact position of the United States will be defined until after they lave been received. The text of the notes from Germany and Austria which have been handed to Ambassadors Gerard and Penfield setting forth the intention of those governments to treat armed merchant ships of the entente allies as worships after the last of this month also are being awaited. So far it was said, the representations of the entente has to do solely with the American memorandum.

From several quarters has come tne information that the United States may warn its nationals to avoid armed merchant ships. This, it was said, in-fyftrnaa n. what the German and Austrian Gov-ernments have been aiming to achieve. Possible Boycott Discussed. The possibility of the entente allies putting into effect a practical boycott of American ports was widely discussed inofficial circles.

It has been intimated that the allies might permit only a suf- i n. V. i china Houston of St. Louis may become Secre tary of War. From a source close to Wilson it was learned by the Post-Dispatch correspondent that the 'resident has prominently in his mind the man whom he wouid like to appoint, out that he has not made a final decision, and is keeping an open mind on the question.

Aboard the naval Vaucht Mayflower or his way down the Potomac River and hesapeake Bay for a week-end trip, tho President today is considering the selection of a successor to Garrison. It Is expected that the President's decision would be made known immediately following his return. The impressio.i seems 'o be that the President is giving fore most consideration to Secretaries Lane Houston and Counsellor Polk of tho State Department. The President left here late last night, nccompnied by Mrs. Wilson.

Their return is set for tomorrow night or Min-oay morning. Lane In High Fnvor. While Lane is the favorite, it was ointed out today that there are several excellent reasons why the President 'would be reluctant to transfer him from the Interior Department. One of these is the Alaskan problem, on which Mr. Lane has a remarkable grasp, and which he is keenly interested in.

Secretary Houston has thoroughly the Department of Agriculture tfince his appointment, and that department would suffer little by the change official heads. Praise of Houston was sung in un stinted measure by an official close to the President. "Why not Col. E. M.

House?" is question frequently heard in the round of gossip. Some officials declare that the appointment of Co. House would be a logical one. He a known throughout the country and, indeed, the wcrid at large as the closest friend of the President. While this was urged as furnishing excellent ground fot his appointment it also was urged strongly in opposition iMid it is not believed that Col.

House is the man whom President Wilson has nost prominently in mind. Other men who figure in the goss'p are Senator Stone, former Mayor Newton P. Baker of Cleveland, former Gov. Walsh of Massachusetts, and Senator Chamberlain of Oregon, chairman of the Senate Military Committee. The President spent several hours yesterday in going over the qualifications of various men suggested.

A Cabinet meeting was held but Mr. Wilson did not seek advice on tho subject there. He attended a dinner given in hishonor rcnoli Krpulsc Counter Atiick and Maintain Gain. PARIS, Feb. 12.

Further fighting J. Champagne, the War Office announces this has resulted In French JOHN ALVIN BROCK. forces securing possession of trenches occupied by the Germans. Tl'e statement says: LIKES FOOTBALL DESPITE SON'S FATAL INJURY WHEN IN GAME 'According to further information in REST TUT ON MADE BOY WHO WAS our possession the attack with hand grenades which we executed yesterday The employe sought, according Lo Doherty, is Jean Crones, 29 years oIl, who was the club as an assistant to the chef last September. The club manager said that? this man had charge of preparing the soup and particularly the flavoring kernels of seasoned chicken meat.

Crones, who speaks six languages, had a room at 2201 Prairie avenue. In his room on the third floor the searchers found bottles containing arsenic, cyanide of potassium, mercury nitrate, copper dioxide, one quart of nitroglycerin, one high-power rifle and a trunk containing anarchistic literature, including written pamphlets by Emma Goldman and her photographs. May Be Known lfere. description of the man sought was sent to outside cities. lie is believed to have come to Chicago from St.

Louis. The analysis of the city chemist was a qualitative analysis and he imn-Adlate-ly began a new analysis to determine the quantity of the poison found in the soup. Health Commissioner Robertson issued a warning to those who had been made ill by the soup but said he thought all danger had passed. The Archbishop and Gov. Dunne did not partake of the soup.

Among those who are still ill from the efefcts of the poison are: Judge John P. McGoorty and Monsignor Francis C. Kelly of the Catholic Church Extension" Society. afternoon in Champagne In the region northeast of the Butte de Mesnil, sue us possession, after an artillery engagement, of about 300 meters of enemy BY MAN IN DOWN BY AN WHO 'DIED trenches. A counter attack made by th enemy during the night was repulsed AUTO TRUCK DIES completely, and Co prisoners, of whom TO GET INSURANCE Father of Bryan Scott Who Met Death Here Helps Knox Students Retain' Sport.

GALESBURG. 111.. Feb. 12. The urging of F.

J. Scott, father of Bryan tocott, the Knox College student, who died from injuries last October, received in a football game with St. Louis University eleven to continue football as a college sport, is believed to have been one of the greatest ii. ences which led Knox College authorities to approve football for "I believe in football," said Mr. Scott.

"It made my son the manly boy that one was an officer, remained in our hands." ACTIVITY REPORTED J. A. Brock Turns Over $2500 ON GREEK BORDER Driver Who Hit Preston Burk-hart, i5. Is Held for Coroner's Inquest. and Farm Wife as "Widow" Collected $10,000.

Lody wriggled out cf his overcoat, he he was. America has too few sports French Troops Move to New that demand vigor and courage." said, and drew a knife from his pocket. He sia.Vned Diefenbach across the throat with this and Diefenbach released his hold and rolled to the CUBA, Feb. 12. John Alvins Brock, who ostensibly perished in a SPRING FROST APPEARS ON MARS Positions Greek and Romanian Consuls Leave Monastir.

LONDON, Feb. 12. Dispatches from barn fire last March, enabling his wife to collect $10,000 insurance money Astronomers IXotice Xortn Cap Itself Saloniki today tell of activity on tho Greek frontier, which may Indicate that Hears a Shot Klred. At about this moment Lody heard a shot fired. He said he could see Dr.

Kennerly and Dr. Johnson struggling in the doorway of a closet. turned over to the insurance companies yesterday afternoon $2u00. all that remained of the money, and deeded to MILKMAN DISCOVERES FIRE IN WEST END OFFICE BUILDING by Postmaster-General Burleson before Is Rapidly Melting. FLAGSTAFF.

Feb. 12. What appears to be the first spring" frost on Mars for this season has been detected by astronomers of the Lowell Observa the long-expected operations pf tho central Powers against the allies at Salonika are about to begin. them all his property. boarding the Mayflower.

Brock's estimate is that the property, above incumbrances, is worth $S0O0, The Greek Consul at Monastir, Sc. German Paper Kxpeets Secretary via, now in the hands of the Teutonic tory, in latitude 54 degrees and Iongi-titude 2S3 degrees. The north cap itself Daniels Will Soon Resign. BERLIN. Feb.

12. Although American forces, with his family and function Several of the men had been calling ut. The noise of the strugirle had attracted a crowd outside the door, which had been locked. Lody said he ran to the door and opened it and that about a dozen persons entered the room. The hotel clerk had been notified of which, with the $2500, would make the amount turned over, but the insurance man doubts whether as much can be realized on the real estate as is in active process of melting, a circu aries, has arrived at Fiorina, Greece.

lar rift having appeared half way Field Marshal Mackcnscn recently was Preston Burkhart, 15 years old, 4.223 Evans avenue, died at the city hospital early this morning from injuries received when he was struck by an automobile truck in front of 4260 Easton avenue at 5 p. m. yesterday. The boy's death is the second this year resulting from automobile accidents. The police arrested Frank Gunnie, 1451 Monroe street, driver of the truck.

He will be held for the Coroner's inquest. The truck belonged to the Peter Hauptmann Tobacco Co. Gunnie stopped the truck when he saw young Burkhart run down. Thinking the boy's injuries were slight, he took him to a drug store. There it was decided to send him to the city hospital.

Witnesses questioned by the police say the boy stepped from behind a Wellston car into the path of the auto truck. RAIN TURNING TO SNOW LIKELY TONIGHT; COLDER reported to have arrived at Monastir. Brock thinks. press dispatches give no details in regard to the circ*mstances of Secretary Garrison's resignation, the Lokal Anzei-ger sees that an indication that a majority of Congress is opposed to "the new UUldll, UU11IUCI JL 1.11.11 until 1 1 1 to enter American ports to take away merchandise and goods consigned to themselves. It was admitted in high official quarters that should such a plan be put into eifect, action of some kind might have to be taken.

information reaching here in press dispatches ia that officials of the German Government consider their decision to treat armed merchantmen as warships ii a development of the suggestions of the United States. It was pointed out that this Government in controversies over the conduct of submarine warfare has mentioned "unarmed merchant ships," Such a reference first was made in the Lusitania case. Might Divert Sea Traffic. It was learned that consideration already has been given by diplomats representing the allies to the feasibility of diverting the major portion of transatlantic commerce of their countries from the North Atlantic ports of the uiited- States to Canadian ports. It been pointed out, however, that roch a move could not well affect vessels carrying cotton and oil from ports ir.

the southern part of the United States. Certain diplomats of the entente allies also are considering a plan to disarm merchant ships, especially for entry into American waters, with Ui assistance of naval tenders off the coast or by temporarily landing i armament at some nearby port Canada or Bermuda, from where i. i The Patris at Alliens states that tho Iuring the conference, which took through it which is widening and which is connected with the border by radical tributary rifts. The cap Is surrounded by a clear, blue band unlike the tint of vegetative place at the People's Bank, Brock, who Germans and Bulgarians have sent away the Rumanian and Greek Consul at Monastir, in Southwestern Servia, form of militarization by proclaiming had slept little since he was confront which President Wilson expected to take cd and confessed his identity in Wood near the Greek frontier. the wind out of the sails of his Repub ward.

several days ago, collapsed and a physician was summoned. A "This is an event of great impor lican opponents and above all, the saber- tance," the Patris continues. "It re AUSTRIA TO HELP GERMAN CITY stimulant enabled him to finish the Police Rouse I'hysicians and Women In Blazing Structure Flames Do $10,000 Damage, A fire of unexplained origin at 3:30 o'clock this morning caused about JlO.Ooi) damage to the four-story structure and contents of the Fidelity Building, southeast corner of Grand and Franklin avenues, half the damage being to the stock of the William I. Smith Drug which occupied the corner store. A milk-wagon driver discovered flames issuing from windows of the top floor of the building.

This portion was being reconstructed end the fire is believed to have started in the flooring. The policy turned their attention to arousing the tenants. -Miss Mildred Kellogg and. Mrs. Stella K.

Harris, who conduct a vocal school on the second floor, and Drs. A. B. Wii-burn and Thomas W. Taylor, physicians occupying apartments in another part of the building, were aroused.

transaction. quires more than a protest. The Government pretends that tii Toward evening drove back i the struggle and had summoned the i police. When they arrived Dr. lohnson, Dr.

Kennerly and Diefenbach -vere lying on the floor. They were sent to tl.e City Hospital, and Lody was taken to 'the Central District police station. Diefenbach, in confessing the plot to lure Dr. Johnson to the hotel, denied knowledge that the doctor was to be attacked. Dr.

Kennerly denied instruct- ing Dietenbach to indues Dr. Johnson to come to his room, but admitted fi- nancing Diefenbach's trip to St. Louis. I The d-fferences between Dr. Johnson and Dr Kennerly are disclosed by an affidavit found by the police in Dr.

pocket. It was a complaint to Ally to Return, Favor by Sponsoring; measure is a general one directed with his family to the farm six miles against all neutral Consuls, but thero north of town, where he will stay until are no other neutral Consuls at Monao- he finds another home. Hungarian Town. BERLIN, Feb. 12.

The Overseas News Agency today gave out the following: "The Lord Mayor of Vienna, in municipal council, stated that Germany will tir. Furthermore, this city has no; The attachment suits which had been the same interest for Rumania as tin rattling Roosevelt." This newspaper expresses the opinion that Congress undoubtedly represents the majority sentiment in America in opposing the abandonment of old principles. The Morgenpost says: "The feeling in Congress plainly is thoroughly peaceful. The propaganda for gigantic armaments which has been staged by Secretary Garrison and Secretary Daniels hae received thus far no t-ympathy from the representatives of the people. Mr.

Garrison and his assistant alresdy have resigned and the Secretary of the Navy may soon follow." filed at Steelville will be dismissed United States." Whether he and his wife will be prose undertake the task of rebuilding one THE TEMPEItATlRES. The Saloniki correspondent of tho cuted will depend upon the attitude of Austrian or Hungarian city damaged by 3 a. io a. m. .33 .35 Petit Farisien telegraphs that French the insurance companies.

1 1 a. rn. war while Vienna and Budapest will troops crossed the Varder River Feb. I'i and are now encamped on the right batik of the river and in the region of GERMAN SHIP INTERNED HEADS 7 a. in i noon 9 a.

in p. in .14 Yesterday's Temperature. HlKh. .40 at 2 p. m.

.31 at 5 a. in. Humidity at 7 p. m. yexterrtay, 65 take sponsorship over one German city "Germany has chosen the Austrian city of Gygorizia.

Austria has chosen Ortelsburg and Hungary has chosen Gerdauen. both in East Prussia." Janitza uno Veria. The town of Veria FOR SEA AND IS FIRED UPON vvuiu oe picxed up again wnen tne hips start on their return voyages to Europe. th officers of a Lodge and charged that Dr. Johnson had refused to pay a note for $2ijp0 which he had given to Dr.

Kennerly in a business deai in which they were partners in dental offices -t 514 Washington avenue and in East ht. Louis. The affidavit alleged that after Dr. Last year the Post-Dispatch printed 43,724 Male Help Wanted Ads, Just more than its nearest competitor. 7 a.

in. today, per is an important railroad station on tho line between Saloniki and Monastir. per cent; cent. Itrnzillan Boats Sfnd Blank and Tha region alluded to is to the north aa Loaded bella Before Captain Comes About. The phoemvx west of Topsin on the Verdar River, rf vKWArS ORUtZR HAD NOTKl Cr ml lea northwest of Saloniki.

at which RIO JANEIRO, Feb. 12. The German ON "BROTHER point the line of defenses of the canm steamship Asuncion, interned at Para, requested permission to approach KAISER'S YOUNGEST SON TO WED AT POTSDAM MARCH 1 1 Karrlagre of Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Anhalt to Be a -Simple Ceremony. LONDON. Feb.

12. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Co. from Amsterdam says that Emperor W'illiam has announced his decision that the marriage of Prince Joachim is to take place at Potsdam on March 11. of the j-Jiics at Saloniki begins. The line ascends the Varder to Karasuli, from which It sweeps in a semi-circle to the southeast.

UNARMED SHIPS Official, Tell von Wiegand That wharf to take water aboard. Under cover of the fog she turned about and headed towards the seiu The Brazilian Kennerly was compelled to go to Texas because of ill health. Dr. Johnson refused to pay to him profits from his in- terest i'i the business, and moved the equipment of the Washington avenue of lice to 613 Locust street, where he opened dental offices, under his wife's name. Dr.

Johnson told reporters at the hos-'' pital that as soon as he entered the hotel rcom Dr. Kennerly stepped from the closet and fired at him. He said they clenched and that Dr. Kennerly The Italians and Austrlans are up their artillery duels on the Au- cruiser Republica and the auxiliary Teff fired blank shots and as the Asuncion did not stop they fired on her with pro tro-Italian front despite the heavy enon Official fore, caxt for St. Louis and vicinity: Ilnin probably turning to anotv tci-nlcbt; toirorron cloud', colder, vfith the lowent temperature about 24.

Missouri: Snow and colder tonight; 'omorrow unsettled, with colder south and east portions. Illinois: Probably snow in north and cen jectiles. The German steamship then stopped end returned to the harbor. The cap tain later stated that he had no inten tlon of escaping. The local authorities have started an investigation.

Judicious Advertising Is buying both Quality and Quantity in circulation for quick and profitable results. Most St. Louis advertisers buy space judiciously, and concentrate their store news where it will do them the most good, as shown by Friday's example: POST-DISPATCH alone. 75 Cols. Its 3 nearest competitors combined, 63 Cols.

WHY? Circulation That Sells the Goods Last Sunday (a new record) 372,973 Daily Average Last Week 214,951 "First in Everything" The German steamship Asuncion, con The engagement of Prince Joachim, youngest son of Emperor William, and Princess Marie Augustine, daughter of Prince Edward of Anhalt. was officially announced in Berlin on Oct. 14, 1915. It has since then been stated unofficially that the wedding would take plac during the present month and that the ceremony would be extremely simple. Prince Joachim, who was 25 years old last Dec 17, Is a Captain In the Fourteenth Regiment of Hussars.

shot hirn a second time. Double He said their business differences began when Dr. Kennerly invested $3000 in Plows Candy of which Dr. Johnson was president. Dr.

Kennerly later withdrew his investment. Dr. Johnson said: "He double-crossed me, and so 1 structed at Hamburg in 1S95. is of 4(163 gross tons and is 375 feet long and 46 Promise to Give Warning WU1 Be Kept. B7 Karl H.

von Wiegand, Correspondent of the Post-Dispatch. ftanif Feb" Tne new subnlarin ich t0 notify'nS all armed belligerent that from March 1 they cnsidered and treated as war (jj1 no wise nullifies or revokes n's promise to the United States li, passenger ships will not fflb WHhout earning and that time given to get passengers to safety. hortty 8tated upon the highest did not aPPear to be Wde tth i th manifest- Jt was stated v.r alty and tv members of the -Hg that while the manifesto on Pege 2, CoUmn si in the mountain regions, and here and there devilerlng infantry attacks egalnfct each other, but without appreciable result. In Albania the Austro-Hungarlans have occupied Tirana, a short distaneo to the northeast of the port of Durazzo, and also dominating heights in that region. Petrograd sayn the Russians in their operation against the Turks continue to make progress and that all attempts by the Ottomans to assume an offensive are being put down by the Russian fire.

Bombardment of the Turkish positions on the Black Sea coast are beiec kept up by Russian torpedo craft. Constantinople asserts that In ths fighting between the Turks and the British in Mesopotamia, the British attempted an advance from the right bank feet beam. She is owned by the Ham burg-South America Steamship Co. of Hamburg and had been reported as re tral portions, and rain turn matning voluntarily at Para. I double-crossed I borrowed $2500 from him but when it came to paying it ing to snow in south portion tonight and tomorrow; colder.

at Bethlehem Steel Plant. Stage of the river: 13.6 feet; a fall NEW CASTLE, Feb. 12. Six hundred pounds of powder exploded of .3 of a foot. back, that was a different matter.

I paid the interest on the note, though." Lody was released this morning on a $1000 common law bond, signed by Joseph Mount, a professional bondsman. It was obtained by Mrs. Johnson, who said she wanted Lody to take charge of her husband's of fir rno German Banka Reported Cloaed LONDON, Feb. 12. The Dally Express today gives prominence to dispatches from Switzerland, announcing the failure of two large banking institutions in the south of Germany, one with alleged liabilities of over in a dry house at the projectile plant of the Bethlehem Steel near here, laft r.nst vear the Post-Dispatch printcJ 10.011 Wanted to Purchase Wants, 134- more than the FOUR other St.

Louis right, injuring two workmen an wrecking tho building. Tho cause Continued nn Pace 3, Column a. rewspapera COMBINED. the explosion has not been determined..

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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