C10 THE MORNING CALL THURSDAY, MAY 23. 1991 DENTAL ASST PT, will train, friendly, caring responsible SACREO HEART HOSPITAL 421 Chew Street Allentown, PA 18102 Equal Oppty Employer NU SKIN Products. Below wholesale, going out ot business. 1215) 627-7307 Restaurant business tor sale. Beth, near indus park, seats 30 lunch dinner trade, high traffic loca, growth potential.
Must sell. Price neg. 253-4719. MODEL AIRPLANE Bright red, vic of Lone Lane Park, Upper Macungie Park. REWARD.
Call John al 434-6415 or 437-3800 PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASSES Brown case frame, intersection of 4th Hamilton 521. Call 437-2805 PURSE Light Ian color with entire contents, vicinity of 14th Allen 12th Linden, 437-0272 RFWARD TUTOR Experienced certified teacher. Call 767-9288. TYPING Resumes, term papers, etc. Reasonable prices.
Call 776-7875 WORD PROCESSING Typing Service Resumes The Typing Center 865-0288 ATTENTION clubs, churches, organizations. Need to raise funds? No cost. Clean items. No candy. Info: 908-859-1860.
Career Professionals, Inc. RESUME CENTER 13th 8, Hamilton Sts 432-6666 DIRECT SELLERS Bookkeeping, payroll, taxes C. Bishop, PA 866-7169 POWER-PACKED RESUMES CareerPro Resume Services 691-X17 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Board of School Directors of the CalasauQua Area School District will receive sealed proposals for the proposed Renovations to the existing Lincoln Middle School Building located on Howertown Road, Hanover Township, Catasauqua, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania until 10:00 AM prevailing time on June 7, 1991 in the Board Room of the Catasauqua Area School District Administration Offices located at 201 N. 14th Street, Catasauqua, Pennsylvania. Proposals will be publicly opened and read at 10:00 AM prevailing time on the same day in the Board Room of the aforesaid building.
Sealed proposals will be received for any andor all of the following: TYPE OF CONTRACT: General Construction PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS (deposit each set): JI00 Plans, specifications, instructions to bidders, proposal forms and ether contract documents may be examined at the Office of Breslin Ridyard Fadero Architects, 1226 Union Boulevard, Al-lentown, Pennsylvania and at 1234 Market Street, NORTHWESTERN LEHIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET NOTICE At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of School Directors of Northwestern Lehigh School District held Wednesday, Mav 15, 1991, the proposed budget for the 1991-92 Fiscal Year was presented and tentatively adopted. The proposed budget for the fiscal year is proiected as 113,260.880. A copy of the budget is on file at the Northwestern Lehigh School District Administration Office, Route 309, New Tripoli, PA, and will remain open for public inspection from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. prevailing time Monday through Friday.
The Budget will be presented for final adoption at the regular meeting of the Board to be held for the conduct of general business, in addition to the adoption of the Budget, on Wednesday, June 19, 199), at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time, at the Northwestern Administration Office Conference Room, Route 309, New Tripoli, PA. At the regularly scheduled meeting on May 15, 1991, the Board of School Directors confirmed the re-enactment without change of the following taxes: Per Capita 115.00, Earned Income 1, Amusem*nt 10, Realty Transfer 1, Occupational Privilege 110.00. In addition, the Board of School Directors confirmed the continuation of the Real Estate Tax based upon the applicable assessment. The proposed rate for consideration in conjunction with the proposed budget is 23.19 ZONING HEARING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING Borough Of Coopersburg, PA Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Hearing Board will meet in the Borough Hall, 5 N.
Mam Street, Coopersburg, PA on June 5, 1991 and if necessary on June 10, 1991 and' or June 12, 1991, at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of hearing the following appeal: Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Es-tepp request a variance to convert an existing family dwelling at 350 N.
Main Street, Coopersburg, Lehigh County, PA andor expand an existing professional office at that location to create additional professional office space, and a variance to permit a free-standing sign not exceeding twenty square feet per face. This land is located in an R-l Residence District. Building plans and other information may be obtained from the Borough Office (282-3307). All persons interested or those desiring to protest against the variances sought may appear and be heard. LAURENCE STEVENS Secretary Zoning Hearing Board 282-2526 W3909 May 23, 27 EMPLOYEES OF O.F.
BAST, INC. To Union Claimants, members of Teamsters Local 773 employed by D.F. Bast, Inc. in or about 1981 and who filed proofs of claim against said company during the pendency of bankruptcy proceedings and to nonunion claimants, Louis Hersch-man, Felix Herschman, Stewart Karess, William Nauroth, Otto Schmidt and Arthur Williams: To resolve a dispute between the parties concerning the accuracy of claims filed, it is proposed to compromise the claims. All employees have been sent notices of the terms of the compromise.
If vou have not received a notice, contact counsel for claimants, Mariann E. Schick, Esquire, Markowitz Richman, 1100 North American 121 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107, 215875-3121, within seven (7) days of publication of this notice. MARIANN E. SCHICK, Esq. Counsel for Claimants n2166l May 10 INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposals for a contract to construct a 85,000 cjpd wastewater treatment facility upgrade to the exisiing Pleasant Valley Manor Wastewater Treatment Facility located in trie southeast quadrant of SH 0209 and Manor Dnve in Hamilton Township will be received at the office of the Monroe County Commissioners in the Monroe County Courthouse in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania until 9:00 a.m.
E.D.T. on July 16, 1991, and at said place al 9:30 a.m. E.D.T. all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Work in general will include site work, excavation, precast concrete tankage and control building, pumps, piping, valves, sand fitters, electrical controls, and incidental work.
All work shall be completed within V0 calendar davs of Notice of Proceed. A copy of contract documents including Drawings and Technical Specifications will be on file and open to public inspection at the office of the Monroe County Commissioners. Copies of the contract documents may be obtained by depositing a nonrefundable fee of 1100.00, with R.K.R. Hess Associates, 112 North Courtland Street, P.O. Box 268, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18301, Attention: Samuel M.
D'A-lessandro, P.E., for each set of documents so obtained. A prebid conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. on June 18, IWi at the Pleasant Valley Manor Treatment Plant. AH Contractors submitting bids shall be required to submit a listing of past experience of similar work verifying themselves as qualified 'or this type of proiect. A certified check or bank draft, oavabie to the order of the Monroe County Commissioners or a -tisfartory Bid Bond cuted by the Bidder and an ac-ceptanie surety, in an amount equat to ten percent (10) of the total Bid snail be submitted with each Bid.
The successful Bidder will be required furnish and pav tor satisfactory performance and payment bond or bonds in the amount of not less than one-hundred per cent (100) of the estimated amount. An acceptable surety company is any one included in the latest issue of the U.S. Treasury Department Circular 570 listings. Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Contract Documents must be paid on this Project, and that the Contractor must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Monroe County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all Bids or parts thereof, and waive technicalities as it deems best in the interest of the County.
Bids mav be held bv the Mon BETHLEHEM AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Bethlehem, Pennsylvania RESOLUTIONSRE: 1991-92 BETHLEHEM AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT TENTATIVE BUDGET The Tentative Budget tor the 1991-92 fiscal year of the Bethlehem Area School District in the amount of 170,983,31) is based on the following: (a) An 18.26 mill (or 11.826 per 1100 00 of assessed valuation) tax on real estate. (b) A 15 00 Resident Per Capita Tax, taxable on 18 year olds and over, based on Section 679 of the School Code of 1949. (c) The following taxes under Act 511 are: (1) 1 Earned Income Tax shared equally with the coterminous municipalities. (2) 1 Realty Transfer Tax shared equally with the coterminous municipalities. (3) 15.00 Resident Per Capita Tax, taxable on 18 year olds and over (4) 110.00 Occupational Privilege Tax (5) Business Privilege Tax at the rate of one and one-half mills on gross receipts (6) Mercantile License Tax at the rate of one mill on wholesale vendors or dealers and one and one-half mills on retail vendors or dealers.
That "Notice of Budget Inspection" is hereby given, and that the Tentative Budget for the Bethlehem Area School District for the 1991-92 fiscal year and will be available for public inspection in the Business Office at the Education Center, 1516 Sycamore Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 18017, during office hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday); the Bethlehem Public Library, 1) W. Church Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 18017 (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday); Liberty High School, 1115 Linden Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 18018 (9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday) and Freedom High School, 3149 Chester Avenue, Bethlehem, Pennsylvnia, 18017 (9:00 a m.
to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday). Tht every resident or inhabitant in the district, upon attaining eighteen years of age, and every person eighteen years of age or over becoming a resident or inhabitant in the district, shall, within twelve months after the happening thereof, notify the proper assessors of hisher becoming of age or becoming a resident or inhabitant. Any person failing, within said period, to notify the Bethlehem Area School District Tax Assessment Office, 1516 Sycamore Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 18017, shall, in addition to the tax levied by the district, be liable to such district in a penal sum equal to the tax. 20160 May 23 BIDS WANTED Sealed Bids, in marked envelopes will be received by WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, LEHIGH COUNTY for OIL. Bids must be in the hands of the Secretary, Dianne B.
Frantz, by 9:30 A.M., June 11, 1991. Proposals will be opened and publicly read at 10:00 A.M. the same dav in the Municipal Building, Center Street, Emerald, Pa. Proposals forms mav be obtained at the Municipal Office or Phone 215-767-8108. Proposals must be accompanied bv a certified check, bank cashier's check, treasurer's bond or Bid Bond in an amount not less than 10 of the base bid, made payable to Washington Township, Lehigh County.
OIL: More or less of the following: 30.000 gallons E-3 and 10,000 gallons RC-800 with additive. Oil prices delivered on job site. An escalator clause on bituminous materials will be part of this contract. Certificates of availability must be submitted for each class of material showing manufacturer and guaranteeing supply for the period of the contract. Bids must be submitted on all types of bituminous materials in order to be accepted.
The materials specified herein shall meet the Standard specifications of the Pa. Department of Transportation. The successful bidder, when awarded the contract, shall furnish a Bond with suitable reasonable requirements guaranteeing performance of contract or delivery to be made with sufficient surety in the amount of 100 of the amount of the contract. The Municipality reserves the right to reiect any or all proposals and make the award as deemed to be in the best interest of Washington Township. Washington Township Lehigh County DIANNE FRANTZ, Sec 'v.
P.O. Box 27 Slatedale, PA 18079 019667 May 23, 30 CORPORATE FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of Act 295 of 1982 of intention to file, or the filing of, in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a certificate for the conduct of a business in Pennsylvania, under the assumed or fictitious name, style or designation of Name: ALLENTOWN TILE SUPPLY with its principal place of business at: 890 North Gilmore Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18103. The name and address of the roe County Commissioners for a period not to exceed thirty (30) davs from the date of the opening of Bids for the purpose of reviewing the Bids and investigating the qualifications of the Bidders, prior to awarding of the Contract. All bids must be in a sealed envelope marked "Piesant Valley Manor Wastewater Treatment Facility Bid" and "Attention: Monroe County Commissioners." Bv: BETSY CAPRIOL1 Title: Chief Clerk Date: Mav, 1991 Mav 23 NOTICE SALE OF HOUSE NO. 14 person, tasion area.
S3-U653 DENTAL ASSISTANT Tues-Fri, days, X-Ray cert, preferred, start 618. Send resume to The Morning Call, Box 49S, P.O. Box 1260, Allentown, PA 18105. DENTAL ASSISTING Receive training for employment as a dental assistant in just 8 weeks. Classes run June 24 thru Aug 15.
Contact Northampton Community College, Admissions Office, 215-861-5500. DENTAL ASSIST ANTRecep- tionist Family practice. Downtown Bethlehem, 4 davs wk. Exp preferred. Call 868-962) DENTAL FRONT DESK If you're interested in a FT position and are cheerful, energetic bright call Linda al 867-8128 between 12-4 DENTAL HYGIENIST PT, Thurs.
plus I day weekly. Call 435-615) DENTAL RECEPTIONIST 4 dayswk. Need bright energetic individual for chailanging posi tion. Responsible for patient scheduling, billing, AP, AR, telephone, insurance forms, recall program, corrrespondence, etc. Excel salary benefits.
Dental exper req. Computer exper help-ful but will train. Call 435-0115 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST PT, 2 dayswk, I Saturday AM Mo. Office some computer exp. helpful.
Call Lisa 435-1288 DIETARY AIDES Part time positions available. Flex hours, good starting salary, exp pref but not nec. Apply in person, Allentown Leader Health Care. 1265 S. Cedar Crest Blvd, Allentown, PA 18103.
NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. HEALTH CARE EMPLOYEES Applications being accepted for the following positions: RN's: Part Time, All Shifts LPN's: Full and Part Time. 3-11 Shift CNA's: Part Time, All Shifts Competitive wage and benefits, pleasant environment. Call Mon thru Fri for appt or stop in between 9 am and 5 pm. Ask for Director of Nursing.
Belle Haven, 536-7666 EOE MED SURG 's. Need flexibility in your schedule? Try staffing with Staffing. Call 435-4796 MEDICAL ASST NEEDED PT, exp not nec, send resume to The Morning Call, Box 466, P.O. Box 1260, Allentown, PA 18105. MEDICAL BILLER Exper needed.
FT position in a cardiology practice. Coding exper necessary. Willing to train on the use of the computer. Excel salary benefits. Please send resume toThe Morning Call, Box S20, P.O.
Box 1260, Allentown. PA 18105. MEDICAL OFFICE ASST PT, Bethlehem office, transcription, phone, scheduling. Exc. typing skills necessary.
Send resume to The Morning Call, Box 456, P.O. Box 1260, Allentown, PA 18105. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST For general internist, FT, competitive sal bnfts. Reply to: The Morning Call, Box S25, P.O. Box 1260, Allentown, PA 18105.
MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST: Part time position available in busy walk-in medical center. Flexible schedule-weekend and evening shifts. Excellent salary. Send resume to: Cedar Crest Emergicenter, 1101 S. Cedar Crest Blvd, Allentown, PA 18103.
MEDICAL SECRETARY FT pos avail. Call Marie at 691-313). MEDICAL SECRETARY for fast paced practice, 2-3 dayswk, no weekends or holidays. Must be pleasant, organized energetic. Call 538-1700 NURSE MANAGER Occupational Medical Clinic Full time position available davs.
Competitive salary. Excellent benefits. Occupational medicine experience preferred. Job includes direct patient care and management responsibilities. Send resume to The Morning Call.
Box 326, Box 1260. Al-lentown, PA 18105. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST ASST Certified Caseload includes orthopedics industrial injured clients. Hand therapy work hardening specialists. New graduates welcomed.
Send resume to: Robert J. Sauers, Director, Sports Medicine Lehigh Valley, 2775 Schoenersville Rd, Bethlehem, PA 18017. Full time nurse needed for busy expanding cardiology practice. Exp preferred. Hrs Mon-Fri 8-5.
No holidays. Great benefits package office staff. Send resume to Nurse Mgr. 3340 Hamil-ton Blvd, Allentown, Pa. 18103.
OPTICIAN FULL TIME Call Dr. Krasnicke 866-5815 PART TIME NURSE RN or LPN for busy family practice office in Perkasie. Flex hrs. Exp helpful. Send resume to: PO Box 452, Perkasie, PA 18944 PHYSICAL THERAPIST Kimberly Quality Care.
America's largest nursing agencv is seeking an independent physical therapist to manage and participate in home client care. Salary negotiable. Call Kimberly Quality Care at 435-7701. RN Ambulatory Surgical Center has immediate FT opening for exp OR Nurse. Call 821-2020 ask tor Linda.
RNLPN Consider a career in Geriatric Nursing. Call Phoebe Home 215-770-8125, M-F. EOE RN: Part time evening weekend position available in busy walk-in center. Flexible schedule. Excellent salary.
Send resume to: Cedar Crest Emergicenter, 1101 S. Cedar Crest Blvd, Allentown, PA 18103. Full or part time positions avail St. Luke's Hospital, 954-3709 RNs Immediate staffing needs: OR, Mon-Fri days eves, regular schedule Medsurg 3-1111-7 wkdys wkends. Ongoing needs.
Call for interview. PORTAMEDIC HEALTHCARE 437-2028 EOE. MF RNs-MS Critical Care ER Premium Rates-Flexible Hours SNI (2151 820-9490 Your Future Starts The Allentown Hospital Lehigh Valley Hospital Center, an 800 -bed acute care teaching hospital located on two sites in Allentown, has health care career opportunities to challenge vou and fulfill your needs. Contact our JOB LINE (821-5627) for information about current vacancies. Applications are available in the Human Resources Departments at both sites.
Office hours are through Monday through Friday. The Hospital is an Equal Opportunity Employer. FOR MORE INFO. CALL USAF NURSE PLACEMENT 1-800-423-USAF LIVE IN Personal Care Home Aide For small facility in the Germansville area. Call 767-3915 Muhlenberg Hospital Center has openings for part time RNs.
Call Jeanne Horvath at 861-2302. Muhlenberg Rehab Center has openings for CNAs. F.T. 3-11, 11-7 T. all shifts.
Contact Charles Korpics at 861-1220 Nursefinders 215-776-4111 215-253-1350 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CREDIT CLERK Local company has immediate opening for person waccount receivable exp. Requires excellent typing skills, wDisplavwrite IV exp. Send resume showing education work exp: The Morning Call, Box 512, P.O. Box 1260, Allentown, PA 18105. eoe ADMINISTRATIVE ASST Rapidly growing advertising company has a new position created for an energetic hardworking admin asst.
Resp include working directly for CEO, VP CFO. Handle all phones, typing, travel arraingements other general office duties. Computer skills required, Lotus 1-2-3 a must. Our new modern Bangor PA corporate HQ will be complete on 715. Salary benefits.
Position avail immediately. Join our young growing company and grow with us. Send resume to Matthew Outdoor Adv, co Pocono Outdoor Advertising PO Box 187 Bangor PA 18013 BANKING TELLER (CSR) A peak time position is available at Firstrust Bank's 701 Hamilton Mall Branch Office. Premium pav of $9.22 an hour for a 2-dav work week Mon. Prior banking experience preferred.
A 2-week FT training program is provided. For more information andor appointment, call Mrs. Whittle at 728-8422. E.O.E. M'F BOOKKEEPER Part time for travel agency.
Send resume slate salary requirements to" Travel Corner, 1701 Airport Rd, Allentown PA 18103. BOOKKEEPING, WORD PROCESSING, DATA ENTRY, SECRETARIAL, TECHNICAL, 8. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL positions available. Top for top quality individuals. TRANSWORLD 433-3500 CHURCH SECRETARY St Johns UCC Fullerton PT, Typing skills req'd.
Resume wrefs: 2401 Coolidge St, Allentown, 18104 CLERICAL ADIA The Employment People NEVER A FEE Allentown 435-8367 Clerical OFFICE CLERKS All-Phase Electric Supply has immediate opportunities available for office clerks at its Bethlehem district office. One position will process accounts payable documents, and requires good 10-key calculator and data entry skills. The other position functions as a general office clerk, and requires typing speed of at least 50wpm, previous PC experience and good phone skills. Send resume to District Purchasing Manager, All-Phase Electric, Route 22 512, Bethlehem, PA 18017. EOE AAFH'V.
ALL-PHASE Clerks, Data Entry Secretaries Needed by Norrell Temporary Services. Call 391-9621 COMPUTERSECRETARIES Experienced word processors, short long term positions. MultiMate WordPerfect Displaywrite Wang Call Hobbie Personnel Services Allentown 433-7525 Bethlehem 865-4300 CUSTOMER SERVICE FT position. Immediate opening with block buiilding supply firm. Duties include inside sales, delivery scheduling, data entry.
Inquire at Eastern Industries, Inc. 619 Shantz Rd, Wescosviile. 395-8575. DATA ENTRY 4 PM T0 12:30 AM Airport area, temporary position with permanent potential. Heavy numeric entry.
Must have excellent data entry skills. Nice company! Call Kim immediately. ALLIED DISTRIBUTOR TRUCK DRIVER For road oil distributor in Wescosviile. Should have 2 yrs exp. Must have Class II lie.
Apply: Eastern Industries Inc. P.O. Box 150, RD3, Center Valley PA 18034 EOE. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Maior NY stock exchange brokerage house. Benefits ins.
Salary commensurate wexp. Please call 215-432-4311 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Excellent position with excellent salary. Secretarial duties will be done on WordPerfect 5.1 LOTUS. Knowledge of Q8.A a plus Must have a proven track record as an Executive Secretary. Call Jane immediately for interview.
SAME WEEK PAY BENEFITS NO FEE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 435-0553 OLSTEN SERVICES 5)5 N. 7th St. Allentown Equal Oppt'y Employer GEN. CLERICAL Great iobs with the best co s. Call 776-0740 RemedyTemp "HOTELFOOD" Several NEW positions (company paid): TOTAL STORE MGMT ...127,000 RESTAURANT MGR $25,000 ASSISTANT MGR 523,500 TRAINEES .....520,000 VALLEY PERSONNEL 395-2828 Tilghman St All PA emp ag Insurance SecretaryOffice Mgr Busy insurance agency needs licensed personal lines customer service rep.
Handle clients, org phone skills essential, sal incentives, Joe at Insur-ance (Fogelsville) 398-3716 JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT Rapidly growing advertising company has a new position created by moving their corporate HQ to a new modem office in Bangor PA. Your responsibi-lites include bank reconciliations, payroll, assist wfinamciai statements other management reports, computer skils req, Lotus 1-2-3 a must, recent graduate OK, excellent salary benefits. Join our young growing company and grow with us. Send resume to Matthew Outdoor Adv. co Pocono Outdoor Advertising PO Box 187 Bangor PA 18013 LEGAL SECRETARY Busy OlLlkArtnuun bu, firm nuul.
rn- retary with mm. of 2 yrs legal exper. word processing skills. Litigation background a plus. Salary commensurate with exper Call Steven Goldman, Esquire, 536-0633 MORTGAGE PROCESSOR FHA FNMA FHLMC.
Only experienced need apply. Call 439-8000 ask tor Gerry. INVITATION TO BIO Sealed proposals will be received by the Northwestern Lehigh School District at the Office of the Business Administrator, RR 2, Box 67, New Tripoli, PA 18066 until 2:00 p.m. prevailing time, on June 13, 1991 for: Trash Removal, Diesel Fuel, Fuel Oil 2, Gasoline The sealed proposals will be opened on June 13, 1991, at 2:00 P.m. and read publicly in the Administrative Office Conference Room, Route 309, RR2, Box 67, New Tripoli, PA 18066.
Copies of the specifications and other documents may be obtained at the Office of the Business Aministrator, at the address stated above, or by calling (215) 298-8661. The Northwestern Lehigh School District reserves the right to reiec any or all proposals, to waive any irregularities, and accept such bids as it considers to be in the best interest of the School District. JAMES F. KURTZ Business Administrator May 14, 23, 29 Call classified when you want to place an ad. We'll help with the wording.
Call 820-6565. AUCTION uau i eyiaici itwj rrmia i cai book, 1983 Yankee Yearbook, assort, of sports puzzles, 1980 Topps sticker album, framed pict. of football stars, uncut sheets of baseball cards 1988, 1991 Baseball Almanac, 1963 book on Mays Musial, plus many other collectable items too numerous to -mention. Terms: Cashgood PA check. Auctioneer: DAVID P.
LOEB R.D. 2, Box 519A Lennartsviiie, PA 19534 756-4260 AU-002753-L o21349 May 23 SERVICE STATION BAYS FOR RENT. Rt 309 Tilghman Allentown. Please call 830-0799 SPACE FOR RENT 650 sq ft to 1200 sq ft. High traffic area.
Call 967-6050 STEAK AND DELI for sale lease, strong lunch bus good growth potential 215-822-0408 TRAVEL AGENCY Start your own at home, 12870. No license or bond. For tree infonewsletter call 1-800-926-5600. VENDOR OPPORTUNITY Make Big Money selling over 2500 items. Gifts, novelties, toys, etc.
Details from Charles Redmond, PO Box 456, Peck Slip Sta NY, NY 10272. 1990's FASTEST growing privately held co. (500) Seeking key People for mgmt positions. Call Int'l Ent. (2)5) 371-6460 I SPECIAL SERVICES MONAGHAN GROUP AFFILIATES, INC.
REALTORS COMMERCIAL DIVISION 437-5055 FAST FOOD 159,000 RETAURANTS (2). Profitable businesses. Great equip locations. Buy one or both. (116801D) LARGE HOTEL $189,900 Lg hotel bldg wbar lunch type food business.
Adjacent lot for prkg 15 rental rms on 2nd 3rd firs. Suburban Whitehall loc. (116709E) BANQUET FACIL. $379,000 With prkg lot, equip Ik) lie. Seats approx 500.
Call for more info. (U6780E) BANQUET $2,350,000 DANCING, BAR RESTAURANT. 700 seat capacity. 2 acres parking. Call GUS KARTSOTIS.
(I16800D) Now Interviewing Offices Independently Owned BE YOUR OWN BOSS GTE 2225 Pay Telephone Business. Excel-lent Income. ROB 1-800-741-3304 BE YOUR OWN BOSS Lucrative pustal service business. Postal Annex franchises avail now. Corporate financing for qualified owners.
1-800-456-1525 BE YOUR OWN BOSS Thriving restaurant bar, southern Pocono location, busy walk-in trade, owners retiring. Large income potential. Call today for info. CENTURY 21 RYON Walnutport 767-2200 1-800 724-8482 EARN $3000 per month! Dealer route with est accounts, price 14995. 1-800-992-2808.
HOT NEW Vending Opportunity-First Time Offered. 1-800-327-6381 Ext. 333. RENT TO OWN A portable Arrow sign. 140mo.
Call Jack Jill Si9ns 437-1988. WE ARE THE 1 SELLER OF Businesses in NE PA. 395-7775 See all of our ads on Sunday WALL STREET BANK APPROVED LOANS Fast Service Lowest Rates R.A. HANEY, INC. (PA.
Licensed Broker) 1st Mortgage Equity Loans Bi-Weekly Mortgage NO FEE UNLESS APPROVED Phone 974-8868, Mr. Martin BANK MONEY 24 Hour Approval Business Or Personal Must Be Secured By E. Established 1953 KOCH Lie. Lender 1-800-942-1658 1-539-3737 BECOME DEBT FREE CASH LOANS 12,000 TO 120,000 Licensed and Bonded Call Toll Free 1-800-338-9871 HOMEOWNER-Pay BillS-CASH Credit ProblemsBankruptcy Ok No Application Fee Call 9-9 A-l MORTGAGE 1-800-572-3060 HOMEOWNERS Need Cash? Any Credit ProblemsBankruptcy OK No application Fee. CENTURY 1-800-458-9396 9 to 9 LOANS Bills got you down? Let us help! Bad credit? Ok! 8am-8pm, Sat 8-1, (513 294-9969 LOANS REFINANCE Residential Commercial HOME EQUITY Lowest rates to 30 yrs.
No income verification No advance fees Credit problems okay Fast approvals LENDERS 687-2060 Deal with a licensed lender MORTGAGE MONEY WANTED Looking for private investors for 1st 2nd mortgages. NO RISK. Call Steve Walden at 820-0402, ext. 116. Personal Loans up to 110,000.
Homeowner loans up to $35,000. Apply by phone. Call Signal Consumer Discount Company at 800-962-2913 REMORTGAGE WANTED I would like to borrow $80,000 at 10 for 20 years. No credit problems. Employment is secure.
Lender will be sole lean holder on house land. Please contact P.O. Box 991, Stroudsburg, PA 18360. BORROW MONEY From private investors regardless of credit! Company is bond-ed 8. insured.
Call 1-800-477-1420 5.625 FIXED 1st YR RATE 180 Dn10.624 APR For 1st Refinance Mortgages! CITICORP MORTGAGE BRKRS! EquityCommerc. Loans Avail! A'B'E CORP (215) 776-1188 FACING FORECLOSURE? I can help Call Eric 691-2963 OKGANIST'CHOIR DIRECTOR Multiple choirs. Calvary Reformed Church, 640 Centre Ave, Reading, PA 1960). 374-2100. BURNS PERSONNEL, INC.
(2151-373-4201, P.O. Box 538 Reading PA 19603 KENN SPINRAD, INC. Professional Employment Agy 215779-0944-day, evewknd NATIVITY BVM HIGH SCHOOL Is accepting applications for a Cert. Librarian on the secondary level for the 1991-92 school year. This is a full time position.
Interested applicants may contact the high school office weekdays btw 9am-3pm. 717-622-8110 Robert Harkint Assoc Inc. Recruiters. 717-733-9664 Box 236. Ephrata.
PA 17522 ACTIVITY LEADER Full time in a residential Alzheimer's facility. Energetic caring person to lead activities incl. every other week-end. 253-3573 ask for Josie. eoe ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT PT.
For pnv physical therapy office in Beth. Medical office 8. computer exp desirable. Call Northeast Spine Institute, rq-twog, won, wed or hri. BILLING CLERK PT, large multi specialty group seeking exper indiv with all third party billing.
Medical terminology computer knowledge helpful. Resumes to The Morning Call, Box SOI, O. Box 1260, Allen-town, PA 18105. BILLING POSITION AVAIL At Solmar Surgical, FT, exp pref. Send resume to: 202 Hamilton Allentown.
18105. CERTIFIED NURSES AIDES LPN'S Needed immediately. Great pay Great benefits. Flexible hours. Call us today.
TOP RATES OLSTENUPJOHN HEALTH CARE SVCS 517 7th St. Altwn 435-5131 Equal Oppt'y Empfoyer MF DENTAL ASSISTANT: Part lime position available. Monday and Tuesday evemngs One Saturday morning per month. Experience required Would you line to be part a patient centered dental practice that truly appreciates me staff' Can 866-0990 The student-built house, which was a proiect of the Building -Trades Division of the Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School, will be sold by public auction on Thursday, May 30. 1991 at 00 p.m.
Lot No. 14 situated at 2030 Chester Avenue, having a frontage of approx. 100 ft. on Chester Avenue, more or less, containing 0.28 'acres, more or less, together with a two-story dwelling and two-car attached garage thereon erected, known as 2030 Chester Avenue, Bethlehem, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, hereinafter to as the Premises, be sold at public auction by me Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School, hereinafter referred to as the SCHOOL, and the Bethlehem Area School District, hereinafter to as the DISTRICT. Notice of the public auction is hereby given as provided bv law, said Premises to be sold under the following: TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE 1.
The sale shall be subject to the approval of the Joint Committee of the School and of the District, the highest or successful bidder for said Premises shall be purchaser of the same and shall pay at the lime of the auction a deposit by certified check payable to Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School in the amount of either $15,000 or 10 of their bid (whichever is greater) with the balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within 60 days from the date of the acceptance of the bid, at which time possession shall be delivered to the purchaser. 2. Good and marketable title, as will be insured by a-' title insurance company at regular rates, shall be conveyed bv Special Warranty Deed, free and clear of all encumbrances of record, and subject to zoning ordinances and municipal regulations limiting or regulating the use and eniovment of the Premises. 3. The purchaser shall pay the 1 Pennsylvania Realty Transfer Tax and the 1 Municipal Transfer Tax.
4. Upon failure of the bidder whose bid is accepted by the Joint Committee of the School and of the District to pay the balance of the amount bid, the said certified check of either 115,000 or 10 of said bid (whichever is greater) shall be forfeited to the use of the School and the District as liquidated damages for failure to comply with the terms hereof, and all rights of the bidder in said Premises shall thereupon cease and determine, and said Joint Committee mav, in their discretion, accept the bid of the next highest bidder, if they deem such action advisable. 5. The Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School and the Bethlehem Area School District shall have the right to reiect all bids and to waive any informalities or irregularities in the bidding. 6.
The condition of the house and said Premises, as of the time of the acceptance of the public auction bid offered by the successful bidder, shall complete the obligation of the Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School to the structure and property. 7. This is not an absolute auction. May 16, 23 OUTSTANDING PUBLIC AUCTION OF FINE QUALITY ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES. ETC.
FRIDAY, MAY 24TH 4:30 PM Held At The Harmony Volunteer Fire Hall, Harmony, NJ Lg ami. of early grandfather's clock, 5 china closets, 20' solid oak Post Office wall complete wteller's windows, door, counter, etc. Good antique china glass, pictures, prints. A GREAT AUCTION. Watch (or full listing in Friday's paper.
DENNIS AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneer: FRANK C. DENNIS (908)475-1735 Belvidere, NJ -55) May 23 WALLET Brown suede. On 17th of May. In Pathmark on Hanover Ave. Photos cards can not be replaced.
Please call 866-5283 Buying a Home? The Best Way To Do It Is Thru the Classified Columns In This Newspaper ii.i?i.r.r--": tbi CAT Domestic short hair, de-clawed female. Black wgold spots, white bib bell 8, feet. Real affectionate friendly. Found vicinity of 20th Turner Sts, Al-lentown. Call 821-9556 co*ckATIEL Grey, found va-cinily of Mechanicsville Rd Old Country Rd.
799-4699. co*ckER SPANIEL Liver color. Male. Found on 10th St. Easton.
Contact the SPCA 253-9666 GREY MALE CAT 18 neut, very affectionate, found Allen Garden Apts nr. 15th St Bridge. Call 967-6304 HUSKIE Black 8, white, fern. Found on 4rth St, Beth. Contact the SPCA 253-9666 RED CHOW Vicinity of Mil-ford Ave, Milford Square.
Call 536-5216. SPANIEL MIX Black white, fern, 12 wks old. Found in Palmer Twp. Contact the SPCA 253-9666 TIGER CAT Grev, Fern. Young adult in Palmer Twp.
Contact the SPCA 253-9666 TIGER CAT Brown black. Fern Adult. Found in Beth. Contact the SPCA 253-9666 IS YOUR PET MISSING? If SO come to the Humane Society, 640 Dixon St. Mon thru Sat.
10-4, Wed night 6-9. Stray dogs are held for five full days and stray cats are held for tour full davs unless they are severely injured or critically ill. After being held for the required amount of time, they are offered for adoption. DOGS: ENG SHEP Blk brn, Fe 4 mos. 600 Blk Brookdale St.
DOBESHEP Black rust, Male 3-4 mos. Abandoned at the Humane Soc. HUSKY Blk wht, Male adult. Macungie Mnt Rd. CATS: DSH Blk brn tiger, Male adult.
200 Blk N. Jordan St. DSH Calico. Fe adult. 1200 Blk S.
9th St. ANNA MARIA REST 1102-16 Union Blvd. Fully equipt. 160x120 paved lot. R.E., Liquor lie, 2 stcrv bldg.
Sale 1490.000. A-TOWN 435-7641 Beauty Salon. All offers consid. Priced for quick sale. Fin avail.
391-9093 Iv msg or call aft 5pm BEAUTY SALON Established Allentown full service salon w2 hair, I shampoo, i nan, and i pedicure station. Lots of growth potential. Nets 127,000. For only 150,000. KOCHAN REALTORS 437-7882 BETHLEHEM Service station 2 bay garage, new tanks, nr Liberty HS, lot 170x120 reduced to $199,000.
Ser ing only 861-0132 EARN $4000mo processing HUD'FHA refunds, no exp nec-essary. 1-800-955-4579. FAST FOOD RESTAURANT FREE STANDING REAL ESTATE IN FRONT OF LGE ACTIVE SHOPPING CENTER 1 MIN FROM MAJOR 1-78 INTERCHANGE REAL ESTATE EQUIPMENT BUSINESS 8, FRANCHISE. FOR DETAILS, CALL DOLORES. O' BOYLE Real Estate CALL 791-0525 or 435-6049 FLOWER SHOP Established, turn-key, high traffic area, exc oppty.
Priced to sell $20,000. The Morning Call, Box Ml, P.O. Box 1260, Allentown, PA 18105. GETTYMART INC Is seeking entrepreneurs to independently operate it's newly acquired convenience stores in me AllentownBethlehem area. Iter- ested parties reply in confidence to: GettvMart, Inc.
P.O. Box 260. Roanoke, VA. 24018. Attn: Fran- chise Dept.
Do You Like to DECORATING DEN is expand- in9 in tne ABE area-A money MAGAZINE top ten national franchise pick. Complete train- ingsupport. Low investmentfi- nancing available. For a free assessment test 8, appointment. Call 215-830-1427.
JEWELRY STORE Owner moving out of area. Well estab. moneymaker Willing to sell below true value. Don't miss this oppty. call 432-9698.
LAWN MOWER REPAIR $2500. Good return on money invested Get started now. Call 820-9599 for into. Lv. Msg.
MARKET DELI Well estab lottery, Beth area. PO Box 1381, Bethlehem, PA 18016. NORTHAMPTON FARMERS MARKET has space avail for fresh meat, bakery lunch meat stands. And also some flea market space avail. Opening soon.
Call 262-1211. PERSONAL CARE Home; country, private pav, approvals in place; operating several yrs. Inc. E. VR Business Brokers 820-7640 PRIME RENTAL SPACE 1400, 2500 and 2900 sq.
ft. spaces available. Perfect for fruit and, vegetable market, dry cleaner, specialty clothing or shoe store. Excellent locations on Union Blvd and Emmaus Ave. Call 967-2181 wkdavs 9-5.
PRIME RENTAL SPACE 800 sq ft across from Lehigh St Auto Mile on Lehigh St. Perfect for insurance office and auto tag or many other uses. Reasonable rent. Great for hot dog stand. Call 967-2181 wkdavs 9-5.
HOUSEPARENTS LIVE-IN Wanted ofr exciting inovative program for adolescent boys home in Montgomery Cry. Seeking indiv wexpnc valid PA drivers license. Musi be 21 yrs of a9e. Ample time of gd bnfts. EOE.
Call 646-2778, M-F 9-5pm. HUMAN RESOURCES Director Needed for a Lehigh Valley hotel. Experience in the hospitality field a plus. Reply in confidence to The Morning Call, Box 500, P.O. Box 1260, Allentown, PA 18105.
INSTRUCTOR For adult daycare program for mentally retarded adults. Contact ARC for iob description salary. ARC, 1036 N. Godfrey St, Allentown PA 18103. MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL Responsibilities include: Providing clinical guidance consultation as a team memeber for psychotherapy psychotherapeutic programming, individual 9roup family counseling, casework, assist in evaluation training of staff, program marketing quality assurance for a partial hospitalization program for socially emotionally disturbed children adolescents aaes A-lfl Mactor'c rtuvu social work with ficensureli-cense, eligible as a social worker, experience with dually diagnosed populations preferred We offer a complete benefits package.
Send resume to: Personnel Manager. Wiley House, 1650 Broadway, Bethlehem, PA 18015. 215-867-5051. EOE M-'F NURSERY SCHOOL LEAD TEACHER. Sept.
through June 30. degree ex-per. pref. Call 865-4188 ORGANISTCHOIR DIRECTOR Christ Lutheran Church, Easton. Part time.
1 Sunday service I il0" '9an. Contact Church Office. 253-3066 for info. PSYCHOTHERAPIST PT, to work with children 8. their families Masters degree some exp Send resume to: The Morning Call, Box 515, P.O.
Box 1260. Allentown. PA 18105. RESIDENT MANAGER Working mentally handicapped adults in community living arrangement. Degree in human services or combination of educat-on 8 exp Not a live in pos.
Full benefits. Call 867-7527 btw Lehigh valley Assoc of Rehab Ch-s. For the Truck To Handle Your Needs See Classification 6IQ AIRLINE TICKETS, Two round trip anywhere, anytime in the Continental US. 1375 for ea roundtrip ticket (1200, if 1 way only) Midway Airlines. 974-9536 AIRLINE TICKET I round trip.
Newark to San Fran. Leave mid June. Cost 1470. Make offer. Must sell.
Call 717-620-1721 Airline Ticket, Midway Airlines. 1 way. ToFrom Philly, Savanna GE, Florida bet Aug 31st. 180. Call bef 10aft 4, 395-5730 AIRLINE TICKETS (4) Midway airlines, tofrom Phila, before June 30.
30 cities. 180 each. 682-6093 ALUMNI CRUISE Ollie'S Travel DeskHolland America, Nov. 16th Niew Amsterdam escorted. Free gift without feathers.
Call now! 865-9004 or 759-9546 ATLANTIC CITY DAILY CASINO SERVICE ONE DAY TOURS BROADWAY SHOWS Deluxe Escorted Tours throughout the S. and Canada For details see our Ad in the Sunday Arts Leisure section. 215-691-6753 201-859-1125 ATLANTIC CITY $17.00 RESORTS 6 days. Bonus varies to 119.00. Call Jordan Park Enterprises 435-7165, Weis Market, Airport Road (pick up drop off only) 262-7647 Express Postal Center, Tilgh- man Square, 481-0168.
Bob's Lehigh Valley American BALTIMORE June 9, includes aquarium, 139pp. Call lobst Travel 965-9025. OISNEYWORLD Round trip air 1199 Non-Stop from ABE Departures 629, 76, 713, 720 Packages available LAS VEGAS FROM 1299 Air-Hotel-Transters-Taxes Palace Station Htl 8. Casino 1299 Imperial Palace 1349 Night Flight Specials WAINWRIGHT'S TRAVEL Altwn 791-4400 Beth. 865-2739 Hazleton 455-9010 Quakertown 538-3900 LAS VEGAS Sept.
9-13, air from ABE. Hotel, transfers, $425. Red Carpet Travel 758-8686 2 MIDWAY Air Line Tickets From Phiia. to Boston, Chicago, Dallas, New Oreleans, Albany, Kansas City. Fly anytime by 6 3091.
$79.95 each. 253-4815 NEW YORK Statue of Liberty Ellis Island, June 16, $28pp. Call lobst Travel 965-9025. Yankees Old Timers Day 727 Mets VS. Phils, FRWKNGT .629 Mets vs.
Dodgers 721 Ron Creazzo Private Charters Call for details 258-6787 4 DAYS AT SEA 3 davs land, $795 up. Free air out of ABE. Eichman's Travel, 434-4596 COMMUTING FROM Altwn to NY everyday. New 15 passanger Ford van, very low rates. For more info Call 434-1382 LIZ CRUISES Sovereign Of The Seas, Nov 2.
Escorted group from ABE. Call 868-0800 LIZ'S CRUISE CLEARANCE Bargains Galore! Sail 3, 4, or 7 from 1465pp. Call 868-0800. NEED A RIDE TO OR FROM New York City, Newark Airport or JFK Call the Trans-Bridge Lines Hotline for Departure times and prices. Dial 821-8300 and enter these category numbers.
1600- to New York 1601 From New York 1602- to JFK Airport 1603- from JFK Airport 1604- to Newark Airport 1605- from Newark Airport 1 PFRKMMFN TOWN Jr. Elts. I NBC Studio Tour .525 Ringling Brothers Circus 61,9 Washington DC 62 Cu inary Institute .....63 Baltimore Aquarium 65,10 Les Miserables 619 Bronx Zoo 621 CALL 434-T733V-8'2224434 LILY LANGTREE DINNER SHOW Razzle Dazzle! Sat June 8th. Call 264-1188 ESS CAT Blackwhite adult female, belly shaved from spaying, has shots, no collar or tags, Call 679-3083 Or 398-0418 or 679-1291 DOGS (2) Jasper: male collie mix. 8, Jingles: female, white brown black spots.
Last seen running together in Fountain Hill 10pm 523. Reward. Call 867-9394 GOATS Help us get home. Rocky, Nanny twins. Went for a walk can't find home.
We should be somewhere around the State Gamelands in Schnecksville'New Tripoli area. Please call our family if you should see us or know where we are. 760-9918 MINI COLLIE Male, tri-color; brown, black 8 white. Wearing light blue bandana. Very shy, answers to Max.
Lost Sat, 54 91. Kutztown area. Call 683-7452 or 320-4874. Miss very much, reward for his return or info leading to his return. A one day a week Elementary Gifted position is available in the Brandywine Heights Area School District beginning in September.
Send resume and letter of interest to Ruth Bloom, District-Top-ton Elementary School, Topton, PA, 19562 by 6191. ACCOUNTANT Quakertown CPA firm seeking individual for entry level position. 4 yr college degree required with minimum of 24 credit hours in accounting. Send resume to: The Morning Call. Box 503, P.O.
Box 1260, Al-lentown, PA 18105. Construction Field Inspector for soil concrete inspection testing on maior industrial construction proiects. Send resume to The Morning Call, Box 463, O. Box 1260, Allentown, PA 18105. COUNSELORS ADVISORS EVENING OVERNIGHT HOURS For caring individuals to work wadults having mental retardation in Upper Bucks residences.
Serve as role model, advisor as well as direct care. Call B.A.R.C, 538-1518. EOE M'F DIE ENGINEEER Sr. level. DesDev.
138-J48K. J-RAND SEARCH 867-4649 ENGINEERING, Mfg Materi-als Mgt. Premier Placement, PO Box 3436, Altwn, Pa 18106. ENGINEERS Accounting, Fi-nance. Data Processing, Sales, Marketing.
RUSSOLI ASSOC 433-7477 Part Time Free Lance Position. Experience required doing sketchs of women's fashions. Send resume and samples of work to The Mornina Call. Box 473, PO. Box 1260, Allentown.
PA 18105. HAIR STYIST needed at Your Hair Connection, South Mall, PT, sal comm. Pam 797-9967 HEAD BOYS' BASKETBALL COACH. High School Interscho-lastic Varsity Program Five to Six days per week 3:00 to 5:30 M. 14 week season starting November 18.
1991. 24 games salary: Approx 13500 00. Playoffs aooitionat salary. Teaching certification necessary. Contact: Waiienpaupack Area High School.
HC 6 Box 6075, Havrtev. PA 18428. Telephone: (7171226-4511. John Gnall. Principal.
James Oohnger, Athletic Director. rmiaoeipnia, Pennsylvania. Copies of plans and specifications may be secured by prospective prime bidders by applying to the Architect named above upon depositing the amount stated. Separate checks should be submitted to the Architect for plans and specifications. Contractors will be limited to two sets.
50 of the deposit will be refunded upon receipt of a bona fide bid to the Owner and the return of the plans and specifications to the Architect's Office in good condition within 10 days of receipt of bids. No refund will be made if no bid is made, drawings and specifications are not returned on time, or drawings and specifications are marked or damaged or not bound in proper order. Proposals must be submitted on regular forms prepared by the Architect or on identical forms in a sealed envelope and addressed to the Owner at or before the time above mentioned. Proposals submitted on other than as stated, will be disregarded. All proposals must be submitted in duplicate and include the following: t.
A certified check, bank cashier's check, trust company treasurer's check, or a bid bond on the forms set forth in the contract documents, in an amount not less than ten percent (10) of the base bid. 2. An Agreement of Surety certifying that a Surety Company will provide the bidder with a Performance Bond and Payment Bond each in the amount of 100 of the contract amount. 3. Contractor's Qualification Statement.
4. Noncollusion Affidavit. This proiect is subiect to the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act. approved August 15, 1961, P.L. 987 (Act No.
442), as amended and supplemented, and reference is made to the prevailing minimum wage rates applicable to this proiect which have been promulgated by the Secretary of Labor and Industry. Bidders shall refer to provisions of the Federal and State statutes, rules and regulations dealing with the prevention of environmental pollution and the preservation of the public natural resources that affect the proiect; said statement of provisions being submitted, as part of the specifications, pursuant to Act No. 247 of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved October 26, 1972. All proposals submitted are valid for acceptance bv the Owner and mav not be withdrawn for a period of at least sixty (60) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. The Owner shall not be liable for any interest on all bid security which is held in accordance with these provisions.
The Owner reserves the right to reiect any or all proposals or any part thereof or items therein and to waive technicalities as it deems best to protect its interest. Board of School Directors Catasauqua Area School District ROBERT V. STRAUSS Business Manager g23927 May 23, 28, June 3 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES BUREAU OF CONTRACT AND SUPPORT SERVICES 1ITH AND HERR STREETS HARRISBURG, PA. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bid June 20, 1991 Opening IKK) P.M., E.D.T. Sealed bids for South Branch of Black Lick Creek Flood Protection, BOROUGH OF VINTON-DALE AND BUFFINGTON TOWNSHIP, CAMBRIA AND INDIANA COUNTIES, PA, will be received at the above address for the following contract: Contract No.
D.G.S. 184-8.) -Gen. Guaranty 164,000.00. Payable to the Comm. of Pa.
(Certified check, bank cashier's check or D.G.S. bid bond form.) PROPOSED DATE OF COMPLETION: 295 CALENDAR DAYS FROM DATE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT. Description: Proiect consists of excavating 16,000 c.y. along stream banks; construct 3,400 ft. of earth levee which requires 30,000 c.y.; place riprap of 11,000 s.v.; construct nine (9) drainage structures with sluice gates, two (2) outlet structures and two (2) pressure manholes; also seeding.
125 00 per set (plus 6 PA Sales Tax) (non-refundable) by prime contractors for plans and specs payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Mail requests to the Department of Environmental Resources, P.O. Box 1467, Harrisburg, PA 17105-1467. In accordance with the provisions of Executive Order No. 1987-18, the Department of General Services has established Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women Business Enterprise (WBE) participation levels on all Commonwealth Public Works projects.
Plans and specs mav be reviewed at the Dept. of General Services, Room 210, Arsenal Bldg. For names of those who have secured plans and specs call 717783-7994. ISSUED: MAY 23, 1991 David L. Jannetta, Secretary H4506 May 23, June 3, 12 SUNSHINE LAW MEETING NOTICE The Lehigh County Industrial Development Authority will hold a special meeting on Friday, May 31, 1991, at 8:30 a.m.
in the Board Room of the Allentown-Lehigh County Chamber of Commerce Building, 462 Walnut Street, Allentown. PA. Money We Can't Print But You Can Make Money With A Want Ad. Call 820-6565 23 ACCIDENT NO RECOVERY NO FEE FREE CONSULTATION SCHERLINE 51? Walnut St, 437-1100 ADOPT Childless loving couple promises to give your precious newborn endless tove a secure home. Expenses paid.
Please call collect anytime, Susan Andy 516-466-7382. ADOPT: Happy, loving couple wish to give lots of tove, a warm wonderful home very secure future to a newtxxn. Expenses paid. Call Sharon or Bill colled 2T2-666-9261 anytime. ADOPT The Best of Everything awaits your Precious Newborn.
Our home is filled with Love, Devotion, Warmth, Laughter Financial Security. EXPENSED PAID. Call Jean or John Collect Anytime 516-754-1071. ADOPTION A warm fun loving white couple married 12 years jvishes to adopt newborn. Will provide a wonderful, caring home, filled with love laughter.
Medical legal expenses paid. Confidential. Cait collect anytime Depoie or Tom 516-423-8343. ADOPTION: Birthmothers Are you Irving to decide what is best for your baby? Avoid unnecessary doubt risk. Let our years of experience heio vou find and carefully screen the perfect family for your baby.
All calls are confidential. Free counseling. All medical legal expenses paid. Direct placement no foster care. Please call our Harrisburg non-profit program COLLECT a 717-737-3960.
ADOPTION Is a loving choke. Please let us heto. Adoring, secure white couote longs to ve your newborn our love, devotion, family trtends. Expenses pad. Please call Peggy Larry fed 21? 580-9404 When You Want Something Sold Advertise In Classified Call 870-656S mills (S23.iy per ii.uuo at assessed valuation).
PER CAPITA TAX NOTICE In compliance with Act 193 of the 1953 General Assembly and Act 511 of the 1965 General Assembly, as amended, the Board of School Directors of the Northwestern Lehigh School District, Lehigh County, PA, hereby notifies every resident or inhabitant of the School District upon attaining the age of eighteen (18) years and every person eighteen (18) years of age or over becoming a resident or inhabitant of the School District to notify the proper Tax Collector of this fact within twelve (12) months thereafter. Failure to comply with this requirement subiects the individual to a penalty equal to the tax for which heshe is liable. It is now the legal responsibility of the taxpayer to report to the Tax Collector. The Tax Collectors to notify are: Heidelberg Township, Phyllis A. Breininger, Route 1, Germansville, PA; Lowhilt Township, William C.
Culp, Route 2, Orefield, PA; Lynn Township, George O. Weida, Route 1, New Tripoli, PA; and Weisenberg Township, Helen Fenstermaker, Route 1, Fogelsville, PA. NORTHWESTERN LEHIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BARBARA K. MANTZ Secretary 16525 May 23 29, June 6 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the Zoning Hearing Board of Lehigh Township, Northampton County will hold a public hering and conduct its business of the Board at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday June 6, 1991 at the Lehigh Township Municipal Building located at 1069 Municipal Road, Wlnutport, PA 18088.
1. APPEAL of Bruce Evans, 36 Whispering Lane, Slatington, PA 18080, to develop a tract of land along Mountain View Drive (Tax Map J2 7 5) for Indoor and Outdoor Recreation. Section 561.05 permits Outdoor Recreation in a R40 Zoning District. The appellant is requesting a Special Exception under Section 563.02 for a community center building. Since there is no definition in the Zoning Ordinance for a community center the appellant is also requesting a variance for the construction of a 170' 65' building for indoor recreation.
Mr. Evans is also seeking a variance from section 510 relative to Multi-uses. 2. APPEAL of Stephen Nancy Frev, 1380 N. 40th Allentown, PA 18104 to use the existing dwelling at 981 River-view Drive, Walnutport, PA 18088 for Merchandising and Sales of Gifts and Dolls.
Under Section 670 in an Industrial Zoning District the use is not listed as permitted. 3. APPEAL of Billy Mary Rose Reis, 4477 Chestnut Drive, Walnutport, PA 18088 to construct an addition attached to their existing dwelling. Section 555 in an Agricultural Zoning District requires a 50' front yard and the appellants would have 41.5'. 4.
Carl Lorraine Morris, 4131 Vermont Easton, PA 18042 hereby appeals from the decision of the Zoning Officer alleging that said official has failed to follow prescribed procedures or has misinterpreted or misapplied any provision of a valid ordinance or map or any valid rule or regulation governing the action of the Zoning Officer. In the alternative, the appellants are seeking a variance to house their trucks in an in-door arena at 4586 Timberline Rd. Section 722.02 states that not more than one commercial vehicle may be housed on any lot, and then only in a private garage. The property is in a Rural Agricultural Zoning District. JOSEPH J.
SIEKONIC Zoning officer 2110) May 23, 30 ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS BOROUGH OF WIND GAP Sealed Proposals will be received by the Borough of Wind Gap at the Office of the Secretary in the Municipal Building, 29 Mechanic Street, until 7:30 P.M., prevailing time, JULY 1, 1991, for furnishing all Labor, Materials, and Equipment and per-formming all work necessary for construction of Bituminous Binder Course and Wearing Course on a portion of Alpha Road. Work shall consist of placing approximately 1,440 Tons ID-2 Binder Course and approximately 300 Tons ID-2A Wearing Course. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from the Borough Secretary or from the office of Robert L. Collura, Borough Engineer, 727 Molasses Road, Bangor, upon payment of Ten Dollars (110.00) deposit. Each Proposal shall be accompanied by a Certified Check or Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10) of the Contract Price, made payable to the Borough of Wind Gap.
Contractors shall be required to conform to the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Law, if applicable. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities in the bidding, and to accept any bid or to reiect any or all bids. Borough of Wind Gap DORIS BRUCH, Borough Secretary 17021 May 15 24 A DATE TONIGHT BY PHONE Men only. Call Ml -228-3824 K.SO P'M. VisaMCAX FOR PA.
MOST UNIQUE DATING EXPERIENCE CALL 1-900-234-FIND tl.99 PER MINUTE ITS BACK i ITS BETTER Than ever 99 minute. Call 976-DATE SEEK A MATE? Need a dale? All lifestyles. USA Talk 976 SEEK (Onty C99min) TO MEET PEOPLE WHO WANT TO MEET YOU, call 1-900-234 MATE tl.99 PER MINUTE TWO GREAT WAYS TO DATE FOR ALL LIFESTYLES. per half minute. 1-900-454-DATE or 1-9O0-349-HUNT CAREER ADVANTAGE RESUMES LV RESUME SERVICE 820-5657 CFO FOR HIRE, experienced.
PT or FT. Reasonable hour rates. This could be iust what your budget needs. Call for details, 717-675-4795 CREOIT 8 DEBT PROBLEMS? FINANCIAL WORRIES! FREE Bankruptcy Consultation SCHERLINE 8, ASSOC-Attys. 512 Walnut St.
437-1100 DESIGNS CAD, drafting 8, designs. 965-6268 PORTRAITS PAINTED Call 965-5276 RESUMES, ETC Custom resumes letters. Laser printing. FAXing. Computer storage Updates.
Career testing. Call 432-0606. RESUMES 1 WORD PROC Professional Prepared SBA Inc. Nazareth 759-6664 PUBLIC Baseball Cards, Football Cards Other Sports Collect FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1991 AT 6:00 P.M. Auction Held Indoors At HUMMELS HALL Just Off 1-78 Along Rt.
143, Lennartsviiie, Berks ka BASEBALL: Stars inci. Mantle, Mays, Aaron, Berra, Ryan, Spahn, Carlton, Koufax, Rizzuto, Slaughter, Rosen, Erskine, Schmidt, Clemente, Maris, Co-lavito, Furillo, Simmons, Wertz, plus many other cards. FOOTBALL: Stars incl. Montana, Rice, Bradshaw, Staubach, Namath, Dorsett, Largent, Pay-ton, Sayers, Simpson, Tarken-ton, plus many other cards. COLLECTABLES: Autographed photo of Joe Morris, starting lineup figures, assort, of sports books.
Nursery St, Fogelsville, PA. Selling for ANTHONY UNGER, JR. Others corporation owning or interested in said business is: H. Winter and Company, 890 North Gil-more Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania, 18103. The certificate was filed on April 29, 1991.
JOSEPH J. PLUNKETT, Esquire Van Horn 8. Plunkeft Suite 202 P. O. Box 4456 Allentown, PA 18105-4456 (215 432-1590 25039 May 23 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that HANOVER TOWNSHIP IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE will be holding a PUBLIC HEARING at 7:30 p.m.
on the 10th day of May, 1991, at the Hanover Township Municipal Building located at 3630 Jacksonville Road, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the PUBLIC HEARING is to solicit public comment on the Impact Fee Advisory Committee's proposed LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS. Copies of the proposed LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS are available for public inspection at the Hanover Township Municipal Building between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. JAMES L.
BROUGHAL, Esquire Township Solicitor 38 West Market Street Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18017 21979 May 23, 30 ADOPTION Love, Happiness and Secruity is what I nave to offer your newborn. Medical Legal expenses paid. Call Pat colled 516-586-4399. ADOPTION Let's help each other. A loving white couple longs to provide your newborn with a happy secure future.
Medicallegal expenses paid. Confidential. Call PAT JOHN colled 5)6-625-8544. DIVORCE $86 TOTAL Free info. Same day.
Atty. Merritt 1-800-635-2419 24 hrs. DIVORCE $80 TOTAL Free info, same day. Atty Reis-man 1-800-486-4070 24 hrs. Even though the founder of Weston F.
Schetl Ml Roof no General Construdion Co. has recently passed away, the business will continue to operate as it has in the past. Except tor the unexpected death of Weston, the Co. will continue to operate with all past employees. LOVE IS IN THE AIR Couples Dating Service! 865-DATE, 258-3188, 538-9515 VOICE PERSONALS 1-900-370-9595 $1 per minute, 12 1st min Free access 215-854-0999.
BODY CARE By Appointment Only! 398-7556 European Body Concepts BRIDALS BY DEE Everything for the bride her party with personal service. Cail Dee 282-3330, Coopersburg. FOR YOUR ADDED CONVENIENCE In Placing Your Classified Ad We Will Graciously Accept MASTER CARD 8, VISA LA FOXY WIG BOUTtOUE Has amazing new wig condition-, er. Revitalizes, untangles, removes fnzz. Try some today.
U.S. Gold Silver Coins. Pockst Watches. Cameras. Antique Gold Filigree.
Jewelry. Necklaces. Etc. PARTIAL LISTING: 240 Loll 14K Gold Necklaces. Gucci Link Chains.
Herringbone, Etc. (Various Karat Gold), Watches. Pocket Watches (Few Watches Solid Gold, Some Plated). 220 LOTS: Diamond Rings Engagement, Round, Pear and more from ct. to 1 ct 20 Wedding Bands 1 4K Gold, various styles.
178 LOTS: 14K Gemstone Rings Sapphires, Emeralds, Rubies, Amethyists. Tourmaline. Opals 20 LOTS: Men's Rings, Star Sapphire. Coin. Diamonds.
190 LOTS: Gold Silver Coins $5 Gold. S2V? Gold. S1 0. 90 Silver Dollars 1 800s, 25 Halves 40- 50s and more all very good condition. Crystal Glass.
Cameras 35mm. Minolta. Pentax. Kodak. Nikon wrffi Zoom Lenses.
Trumpets. Violins. Etc. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: 70 of Gold Jewelry are Designer Pieces. Gucci, etc.
This is one of the cleanest and tines! sales we ve had Choice items, great gifts, investments Local Checks. 3 Forms I PA only Come enjoy a good dean sale Refreshments by Auxiliary GENE MISSMER. Auctioneer AU-00l544-L 432-1223 FINANCIAL SERVICES SPECIALIST Major financial senice company has opening for a Financial Services Specialist in its Consumer Credit Division. Duties include responsibility for development of loans, soliciting prospective clients and clerical duties. Must have good communication skills.
Good starting salary. Excellent company benefits. Experience necessary. Call for an appointment: (215) 395-7887 or apply to: Sharon Dillon 5100 Tilghman Suite 220 Allentown, PA 18104 gb CHRYSLER FIRST "We are an Equal Opportunity Employer mlhv".